Common Scam Methods

Scammers use various tactics, and if you are not careful, you may fall into their traps. Let's take a look at some common scam methods:Online scams are typically categorized into many different types based on targets and attack vectors. Here are some common examples:

  • Impersonating officials from law enforcement agencies and threatening or intimidating victims by accusing them of illegal activities. They then ask victims to transfer funds to a "safe account" for fraudulent purposes. Remember, law enforcement officials will not issue arrest warrants or official documents through platforms like WeChat, QQ, or Telegram, nor will they ask you to transfer funds to a "safe account."

  • Impersonating customer service or official staff members and falsely claiming to have special offers or high rebates, requesting victims to click on links and provide transfer information to deceive them. Official customer service will not provide suspicious links, so avoid clicking on unfamiliar links when participating in activities on official websites.

  • Recently, there have been phishing scammers appearing on social platforms like Discord and Telegram, using chat deception, impersonation, U-commerce, and disguising legal services to launch phishing attacks.

  • Malicious actors redirect users to URLs different from the original website using advertisements, free gifts, or rewards. Attackers who exploit website vulnerabilities implant redirects and install malicious software on users' computers.

  • Malicious applications are also noteworthy phishing methods. Criminals use these applications as carriers for implanting malware to monitor your behavior or steal sensitive information. They may disguise the applications as price tracking software, wallets, or other cryptocurrency-related tools, targeting users who tend to trade and hold cryptocurrencies.

  • Phishing scams involving registering similar domain names are also common. Criminals redirect traffic to fake websites that use foreign languages, have common spelling errors, or slightly modified domain names. They mimic the interface of legitimate websites using domain names to deceive users who mistype or misread URLs.

How to Avoid Falling Victim to Scams?

  • Stay vigilant: The best way to prevent phishing scams is to exercise judgment and scrutiny over received emails, messages from strangers, and friend requests. Stay alert against temptations of high returns and be cautious about trusting "insider information" or promises of "stable high returns." When faced with unexpected transfer or remittance requests, exercise caution, verify thoroughly, and never transfer or remit funds without careful verification.

  • Check the content: You can search for partial content (or the sender's email address) on search engines to check if there are any records of phishing attacks using that method.

  • Check the URL: Hover your mouse over the link without clicking to see if it starts with HTTPS instead of HTTP. However, please note that merely checking the URL's beginning cannot guarantee the website's reliability. Examine the URL for spelling errors, special characters, and other unusual elements.

  • Do not share your private keys: Never share your wallet private keys with others, including withdrawal addresses, and be cautious in judging the legitimacy of any cryptocurrency products and sellers.

  • Protect your personal information daily to prevent fraudsters from obtaining it and executing targeted scams. If you receive messages involving acquaintances requesting transfers or remittances, be sure to verify the person's identity through other means, such as phone calls, to confirm that it is not a scam before taking further action.

Conclusion Cryptocurrencies have many advantages in terms of security, but there are still criminals trying to find potential vulnerabilities. For example, vulnerabilities in smart contract codes may be exploited, private keys may be stolen, and exchanges may be subjected to distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Users need to remain vigilant during transactions, take appropriate security measures, and protect themselves and their assets from harm.

Last updated