Testing FAQ
Kine Protocol has opened its Staking and Trading functions for public tests. You can find the Kine Staking testnet client available at https://kovan.kine.finance. Make sure to switch your wallet provider to Kovan network to use the protocol testnet without any costs.
What do I need for testing?
You just need to connect to the test client at:
https://kovan.kine.finance (Kovan dApp)
Switch to the test network to use Kovan
Make sure to have ETH for the specific network
Get some tokens from the faucet by clicking "Test Token" in the top-right of Kovan dApp.
You can find specific guidelines on how to do every step in the following FAQ.
How do I select a supported testnet?
Some wallet providers allow you to switch to a test network such as Kovan. Make sure your wallet provider allows you to do this prior to testing. Some wallet providers that allow you to select the network are: - Metamask extension or mobile app at https://metamask.io/download.html - You can find the network selection on top of the Metamask menu over the extension and on top of the wallet section in Metamask mobile.
How do I get ETH for testing?
You can request ETH from public Kovan ETH faucets:
You may also request Kovan ETH in Kine's Discord server by pasting your ETH wallet address.
How do I get tokens for testing?
You just need to click "Test Token" on the top-right of the dApp after connecting your wallet. You will get some testing WBTC, USDT and USDC for staking. Each address can only request tokens for once.
Can I test Kine Trading functionalities?
Yes, after minting kUSD by following instructions in Stake and Mint. You can proceed on kovan.kine.exchange to deposit and trade on kUSD. You can refer to Trade on kine.exchange for tutorial.
Last updated